Temple Beth Shalom Greene Family Camp retreat Shabbat
IMGP3390 fullsize Shabbat dinner |
IMGP3404 fullsize walking to Shabbat services |
IMGP3405 fullsize |
IMGP3413 fullsize looking at the amazing sunset next to services |
IMGP3414 fullsize the beautiful outdoor Temple |
IMGP3420 fullsize Kids signing the Shabbat song |
IMGP3422 fullsize |
IMGP3434 fullsize S'mores at the campfire |
IMGP3435 fullsize |
IMGP3444 fullsize |
IMGP3447 fullsize |
IMGP3456 fullsize breakfast |
IMGP3468 fullsize Gaga! |
IMGP3472 fullsize |
IMGP3473 fullsize |
IMGP3475 fullsize Israeli Dancing |
IMGP3481 fullsize |
IMGP3486 fullsize Rabbi's discussion |
IMGP3487 fullsize Miachel, our fearless leader |
IMGP3489 fullsize after lunch music and dancing |
IMGP3497 fullsize |
IMGP3501 fullsize |
IMGP3503 fullsize |
IMGP3508 fullsize Nature hike tour of GFC |
IMGP3509 fullsize |
IMGP3524 fullsize Havdallah |
IMGP3533 fullsize |
IMGP3534 fullsize |