IMGP6342 January 6th, we saw a flock of Cedar Waxwings |
IMGP6390 January 21st, more Cedar Waxwings |
IMGP6412 Mayfield park, peacocks |
IMGP6419 |
IMGP6438 January 22nd, Flock of female Redwing Blackbirds |
IMGP6440 |
IMGP6504 Feb 2nd, more blackbirds |
IMGP6557 Feb 5th, more blackbirds |
IMGP6451 Mockingbird |
IMGP6491 Feb 2nd, more waxwings, and more |
IMGP6508 Feb 4th, Yellow Rumped Warblers |
IMGP6512 |
IMGP6519 |
IMGP6530 Lesser Gold Finch |
IMGP6538 house finch |
IMGP6539 |